101 in 1001

So while I was on my blog hopping marathon today. I found a few blogs that had 101 things to do in 1001 days. Here's the website where you can create a list to have and check off other then just on the blog. Also if you look in the side bar of my blog you'll see that I have links to other bloggers who are doing this too. Check them out please! :) Anyhow all that being said I decided I'd do this too.

I started my list on June 19th, 2011 and 1001 days will be March 17, 2014. Sounds like a long time away but I'm sure time will fly!

Key: Task Completed, In Progress, To Be Started Soon

Task Completed: 26/101

So here's my list...I tried to break it down into different categories after seeing some others do it. Helps to see it better I think...

1. Have a baby. (Completed 11/30/2011.)
2. Make my husband a full course dinner one night!
3. Take my parents to dinner and pay for it.
4. Take Jamie's dad and step-mom to dinner and pay for it.
5. Take Jamie's mom to dinner and pay for it.
6. Go out on a date with my husband.
7. Make my baby a photo album.
8. Buy something just for my husband.
9. Spend a day with just my sister!
10. Have clothes wash and put away before my husband comes home from work for an entire month.
11. Take my child to church.
12. Give my husband notes like I use to for a month.
13. Have professional family photos taken after baby arrives.
14. Make my baby a blanket.

Fun Times
15. Go on a cruise. (July 2011)
16. Go to the zoo.
17. Go to the beach.
18. Go fishing.
19. Go ice skating.
20. Watch all seasons of Lost.
21. Get a Charlotte Checkers jersey. (Jamie got me one for my birthday 2/1/12)
22. Send 10 post cards on Postcrossing.com. (4/10)
23.Plant a clematis.
24. Ride go-karts.
25. See fireworks. (July 2011)
26. Travel to New York City. (July 2011)
27. Go to Oklahoma and see my friend Erica!
28. Use my passport. (Canada)
29. Go to a flea market.
30. Go yard selling.
31. Get snowed in for one whole day.
32. Go back to honeymoon location with husband :)
33. Take a road trip.
34. Fly on a plane. (To New York and back)
35. Go to a comedy show. (Went to a few on the cruise)
36. Visit 3 states I've never been too. (New York)
37. Go to the mountains.
38. Go to the Holocaust museum.
39. Wear a bathing suit in public.
40. Go to 5 hockey games. (1/12, 3/12)
41. Go to the movies 3 different times. (1/3)

42. Try one new recipe a month for 12 new recipes tried total.
43. Plan a weeks meal in advance and stick to it.
44. Eat at 10 new restaurants. (Bad Daddy Burgers 5/12)
45. Eat sushi 3 different times.
46. Bake a cake from scratch.
47. Make homemade pizza dough.
48. Find a brownie recipe that we like from scratch.
49. Put at least 50 recipes in my recipe box. (16/50)
50. Keep the kitchen clean for a week (no dirty dishes on the counter all week). (05/12)
51. Make rice krispie treats. (05/12)
52. Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever is on it.

All About Me
53. Find out my blood type. (Found out while having Maddie, O positive).
54. Get a facial.
55. Get at least 5 pedicures.
56. Get at least 2 massages. (1/2)
57. Memorize 10 Bible verses.
58. Get a blog award.
59. Change my list of 50 things about me to 100.
60. Get 150 followers for my blog. (02/2012)
61. Not get on the computer for 5 days in a row.
62. Give up soda for a week.
63. Give up chocolate for a week.
64. Get my hair cut and colored. (Jessi did this 02/2012)
65. Spend a whole day in bed.
66. Lose 20 pounds.
67. Get a new cell phone.
68. Continue taking belly pictures each week for the rest of my pregnancy. (Did this through-out my pregnancy and then my computer crashed and I lost all the pictures :( )
69. Get up to 1000 swag bucks.
70. Make a list of 100 things I am grateful for.
71. Say yes to something I'd normally say no to.
72. Finish writing through this journal and get a new one.
73. Dye my hair.
74. Complete a 5000 piece puzzle.
75. Get a penpal.

All About Others
76. Pay for 5 people behind me in line at a drive thru.
77. Bake something for someone or some event 5 different times.(1/5)
78. Give a gift card for food to a homeless person.
79. Do 5 random acts of kindness.
80. Make a birthday cake for someone special.
81. Get someone a present, just cause.
82. Leave a note in a library book for someone to find.
83. Grow out hair and donate it.
84. Compliment someone I don't know.
85. Give a Christmas Jar each Christmas.
86. Let at least 11 people out in traffic.
87. Influence a person to make a day zero list.
88. Make two baby blankets to give away. (1/2)

Educating Information
89. Learn to read a crochet pattern.
90. Make at least 2 more adult blankets.
91. Read 50 books in one year. (55/50 in 2011)
92. Only read my nook for 3 months at a time.
93. Read a book and then watch the movie.
94. Read at least 30 books on my Nook. (6/30)

Financial Stuff
95. Pay off car loan. 
96. Go on a "spending fast" for one month.
97. Save $100 with coupons when shopping for groceries.
98. Tip someone 30% instead of just 10% or 20%.

Cleaning Up Around Here
99. Clean all clutter out of entire house.
100. Clean out all closets.
101. Get rid of 100 things.