So while I was on my blog hopping marathon today. I found a few blogs that had 101 things to do in 1001 days. Here's the website where you can create a list to have and check off other then just on the blog. Also if you look in the side bar of my blog you'll see that I have links to other bloggers who are doing this too. Check them out please! :) Anyhow all that being said I decided I'd do this too.
I started my list on June 19th, 2011 and 1001 days will be March 17, 2014. Sounds like a long time away but I'm sure time will fly!
Task Completed: 26/101
So here's my list...I tried to break it down into different categories after seeing some others do it. Helps to see it better I think...
2. Make my husband a full course dinner one night!
4. Take Jamie's dad and step-mom to dinner and pay for it.
5. Take Jamie's mom to dinner and pay for it.
7. Make my baby a photo album.
8. Buy something just for my husband.
9. Spend a day with just my sister!
10. Have clothes wash and put away before my husband comes home from work for an entire month.
12. Give my husband notes like I use to for a month.
13. Have professional family photos taken after baby arrives.
14. Make my baby a blanket.
Fun Times
16. Go to the zoo.
17. Go to the beach.
18. Go fishing.
19. Go ice skating.
22. Send 10 post cards on (4/10)
23.Plant a clematis.
24. Ride go-karts.
27. Go to Oklahoma and see my friend Erica!
29. Go to a flea market.
30. Go yard selling.
31. Get snowed in for one whole day.
32. Go back to honeymoon location with husband :)
33. Take a road trip.
36. Visit 3 states I've never been too. (New York)
37. Go to the mountains.
38. Go to the Holocaust museum.
39. Wear a bathing suit in public.
40. Go to 5 hockey games. (1/12, 3/12)
41. Go to the movies 3 different times. (1/3)
42. Try one new recipe a month for 12 new recipes tried total.
43. Plan a weeks meal in advance and stick to it.
44. Eat at 10 new restaurants. (Bad Daddy Burgers 5/12)
45. Eat sushi 3 different times.
46. Bake a cake from scratch.
47. Make homemade pizza dough.
48. Find a brownie recipe that we like from scratch.
49. Put at least 50 recipes in my recipe box. (16/50)
52. Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever is on it.
All About Me
54. Get a facial.
55. Get at least 5 pedicures.
56. Get at least 2 massages. (1/2)
57. Memorize 10 Bible verses.
59. Change my list of 50 things about me to 100.
62. Give up soda for a week.
63. Give up chocolate for a week.
65. Spend a whole day in bed.
70. Make a list of 100 things I am grateful for.
71. Say yes to something I'd normally say no to.
72. Finish writing through this journal and get a new one.
73. Dye my hair.
74. Complete a 5000 piece puzzle.
75. Get a penpal.
All About Others
76. Pay for 5 people behind me in line at a drive thru.
77. Bake something for someone or some event 5 different times.(1/5)
78. Give a gift card for food to a homeless person.
79. Do 5 random acts of kindness.
80. Make a birthday cake for someone special.
81. Get someone a present, just cause.
82. Leave a note in a library book for someone to find.
83. Grow out hair and donate it.
85. Give a Christmas Jar each Christmas.
86. Let at least 11 people out in traffic.
88. Make two baby blankets to give away. (1/2)
Educating Information
89. Learn to read a crochet pattern.
90. Make at least 2 more adult blankets.
92. Only read my nook for 3 months at a time.
93. Read a book and then watch the movie.
94. Read at least 30 books on my Nook. (6/30)
Financial Stuff
95. Pay off car loan.
96. Go on a "spending fast" for one month.
97. Save $100 with coupons when shopping for groceries.
98. Tip someone 30% instead of just 10% or 20%.
Cleaning Up Around Here
99. Clean all clutter out of entire house.
100. Clean out all closets.
101. Get rid of 100 things.