1. What is your father's middle name?
Don't laugh...It is Lafayette
2. Where was your father born?
3. What was the most influential piece of history that took place during your father's childhood?
Hum...Not sure...Oh wait, he met my mother! :)
4.Who were/are your father's role models?
I'd say now they are Charles Stanley, Billy Graham, and David Jeremiah.
5.What is your earliest memory with your father?
Not sure...I have so many...
6.What is your favorite childhood memory with your father?
7. What color eyes does your father have?
8.Did you buy your father a Father's Day gift? What was it if so?
Well, I gave him a small one and plan on getting him something else. BUT (don't laugh) I got him a nail file. One of those that have about 7 different sides to it? I got him one of those...
9.Is there anything you would like to tell your father that you could or did not?
10.What was your father's biggest influence on you?
He's an awesome Christian and a great witness for God.
11.What good advice did your father give to you?
My mom and him told me the best advice when I got married. Let the husband handle his family and the wife handle hers. So I handle my family when Jamie has problems with it and Jamie handles his when I have problems.
12.What would you like to pass on to your children that your father passed on to you?
I know that my dad loves me and is proud of me. So I would make sure that my children know I love them and I'm proud of them no matter what...
13. What famous father would you not mind having as your father?
How about none of them...I like my daddy just fine!
14. What three traits do good father's have in common?
Putting God first, then his wife, and then his children!
15. Give us your most favorite quote made by a father.
Dad used this one Sunday during service (he's a preacher in case you didn't know) but he said, 'When you're down to nothing, God's up to something!' LOVE IT!
Enjoy your Father's Day no matter who your 'Father' may be :)