Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Six

1. How many different spices are there in your kitchen? A BUNCH...I'd say about 15 or 20...

2. Of the spices you have on hand, which one is your favorite one to use? Salt and pepper! :)

3. What liquid flavoring did you use most recently? I don't use liquid flavoring often so probably back around Christmas when I used peppermint...OR when I use vanilla...Hum...
4. You decide to marinade a steak or chicken: do you use a powdered or liquid spice mix? I'd use Italian dressing and put the whole bottle and the chicken in a bag and let it sit over night...Then grill it...It taste so good!

5. Take the quiz: What Spice Are You? You Are Garlic...Of all the spice types, you are the most universally loved. You get long with pretty much everyone, and you leave a lasting impression. You adapt yourself well to situations. You can fit in or stand out, depending on what you're called on to do.
6. Which spice — whether you have it in your home or not — do you consider the most “exotic”? Probably saffron...Not sure if I even spelled it right...

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