Saturday, March 07, 2009

This book was pretty good. It took me a while to really get into it but after I got into it I thought it was really good. The twisted plot was confusing because of how twisted it was but it ended good I thought.

I have a list of Harlan Coben's books and he's one of the many authors that I want to read every book that they wrote. Coben's books are usually dramatic and full of twist. We'll see what he has in store in the next book of his that I want to read which is The Innocent. But before I read that I'm going to read some of the other books on my TBR Author List. haha...Come back for more reviews.


Unknown said...

Harlan Coben is one of my favorite authors.

Desert Rose said...

I've never read any of his books, but I've read about them a lot so I'm planning on getting me a book of his to read!