Saturday 9: Your Bestest Day
1. What one day of your life do you think was your best day? Probably my wedding day. I couldn't have asked for anything more that day (other then burning my dress, but at least that was at the end of the night).
2. What one day of your life do you think was your worst day? Probably the day my mawmaw passed away. :( I miss her dearly.
3. If you had to pick the best year of your life, when was it and why? 2007 because I got married!
4. If you had to pick the worst year of your life, when was it and why? Probably 2008 because I lost my aunt and my mawmaw that year :( **But on a good note for 2008 my husband and I bought a house**
5. Most recently, what night did you do something that you loved? On Sunday I watched it snow and I LOVE to see snow.
6. Most recently, what night did you do something that you hated? Well, not this past Monday but the Monday before I was at school. I don't really hate school but it's not my favorite place to be either.
7. Tell us about your best relationship that did not work out. I'm not sure about this question...I'm in my best relationship now and it's working great!
8. Tell us about your worst romantic relationship that you’ve had. Hum...why remember it if it was the worst. BLAH!
9. Is there a celebrity that you’d love to spend a “no hold bars” night with? No...I have my husband to spend a "no hold bars" night with (whatever that is).
I loved your answers :)
I don't know what a "no-holds-barred" night is either. Great job on a tough meme. You sound like a very strong a determined lady...
You burned your wedding dress? What did I miss?
I feel so relieved I'm not the only one who doesn't know what the last question means.
You can find my answers ::here::
Have a nice weekend.
really good answers :)
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