Just thought I'd post some pictures from our 4th of July weekend. More to come at the end of the month. Call it my OCD or whatever but I've decided to start waiting till the end of the month to load my pictures onto the computer. I'm hoping this gets me to keep taking pictures. Jamie and I have been together for a little over 5 years and the first year I took pictures non-stop. And then it just stopped! So I decided to start taking pictures again and loading them onto the computer at the end of the month is my way of being organized! haha ANYHOW, got off on a ramble there. These are pictures that Cindy took and I stole them from her to put on here and on myspace! :) Enjoy
Cindy came up on July 3rd and then came over for a little bit. My mom, sister, cousin and daddy were here and they stayed for the fireworks. Then Jamie and I won a big box of fireworks. I have a picture of it for the end of the month :). Anyhow, this box of fireworks had a $200 value and we ended up only spending like $20 on the few that we bought the day we registered for this prize. Back to the weekend. After all of my family left and Jamie got off we went and picked up our prize! :)
Friday, July 4th, Jamie, his mom and I went to eat lunch at IHOP and then went to Charlotte. In one day in Charlotte we went to Trader Joe's, Sam's and The Fresh Market. Jamie and I ended up getting a Sam's Club membership (that make me feel all grown up). I also got an orchid from the Fresh Market. We had an over all fun but busy day. That night his mom was tired so we went to his daddy's house and shot off all $200 worth of our fireworks. It was really fun to just hang out with his dad, step-mom and step-sister. I love hanging out with them. After we shot off fireworks they had a huge watermelon that we cut up and ate. It was really good.
Saturday, July 5th - the 3 of us went to Amalfi's to eat lunch. It was really good. Then Jamie went to work, his mom back to her hotel and I came home. There was a 4th of July cook-out at church and I went there for a little bit but eventually I came home and hung out around the apartment.
Sunday, July 6th - Jamie and I went to church and then we met up with his mom and had lunch at East Coast Wings. It wasn't that great. Then we went to see Hancock at the movies. It was pretty good but I thought I Am Legend was much better. After that we parted ways for a little bit and Jamie and I went to church while his mom rested at the hotel. We met back up after church and went to Outback. I had to leave cause I had a test I had to do for school that night. But the food that Jamie bought home was really good.
Monday, July 7th - I had to work but that night Cindy and I went to Cozumel's. It was really good. I thought we had a fun and very busy visit with her.
Anyhow, here are some pictures...Hope you enjoy...

Cindy, my mother-in-law, with our new kitty, Jade.

I like this picture of Jamie and I. Cindy took it at East Coast Wings.

Us with our two babies...Jamie is holding Chubby. And I'm holding Jade.

Jamie and his momma, Cindy.